Sunday, July 09, 2006




"feature film & literature, performing arts, New media and Digital technologies, comedy, ceremony, exhibitions, performance artists, physical theatre, Visual arts, craft workshops, music program, street performers, musicals and a youth program."


It was a TOTAL Global Human Community Interactive Event
A huge thank-you to 'Sabine Pinon' - photographer extraordinaire!
and all the other photographs contibuted to illustrate this blog.

This inspiration mind map was created as I contemplated the exam blog's questions and explored my initial responses to them. I had not conceived the openness, the 24/7 engagement, and the way that more and more ideas would unfold. Constant revelation, and though the thrust of this blog is that physical reality is preferred to a virtual situation, I cannot ignore the joy and celebration of creativity, through this medium. It's so fast, it's so clean and incredibley immediate.

When I surfed the web I noticed that consortiums involving creative subjects- the arts, visual design, music, performance etc combined majestic interactive possibilities and the individuals involved, synthesised powerful digital skills.

Have a look at this line up of talent and contribution
from a Brisbane conference in 2003.

& this
powerpoint given by Sara Diamond on an interactive physical and virtual environment created by BLAST THEORY

Blast Theory is renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using interactive media. Lead by Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr and Nick Tandavanitj the group has a team of seven and is based in London. The group's work explores interactivity and the relationship between real and virtual space with a particular focus on the social and political aspects of technology. It confronts a media saturated world in which popular culture rules, using video, computers, performance, installation, mobile and online technologies to ask questions about the ideologies present in the information that envelops us.

As technology and global military needs evolve so to does the ADL initiative. ADL is growing beyond SCORM to provide a complete platform of support tools and services to the Department of Defense, Federal Agencies, and the Distributed Learning Community.

Find out more about this initiative click below:




Describing a 24 day journey on a 24 seater bus with 20 Yr 9 students and 4 adults from Northern NSW to Darwin and back, as a Mobile Distributed Learning Environment could be a "reconstruction error". (thanks sallyd) A reconstruction error being when we fill in the gaps of our understanding with logical, though incorrect thoughts.

However I would prefer to call it the gathering of existing ideas and the application of reflection to create/construct part of an eclectic piece of work. The Darwin adventure's Mosh Bus - Mobile DLE taught me a lot about teenagers (inc. that they are always hungry), how to use a mobile phone and what an incredibley vast country Australia is.

For the kids it was a lot more corporal than hanging out in 'MySpace', a virtual online meeting place. The bus became the Yr 9's space, adults were relegated to the front seats. I pods were plugged into the bus stereo system, mobile phones activated at every town we drove through or stopped at. Internet Cafes at towns were another possibility. That's as virtual as we got.

The bus was a safe retreat when the physical demands of the geography were too overwhelming. Or a place to sit during those interminable waits for everyone to ready.

It was very socially interactive, people had to make room for each other, make compromises, peck away, assert their needs etc. It was uncomfortable and went through varying stages of mess, rough, lost items and reserved seating. Nobody could not participate, everyone was engaged somehow. A sense of humour essential.

Sleeping under the stars in our swags - the night sky was our space and the swag the only personal space left.

Urban Highlights
Darwin's Supreme Courthouse - a very informative tour.

An exhibition of Insider Art from the Darwin jail with the art facilitator and curator being there by chance.

An open air free concert, part of the annual Darwin Festival,
being in an environment where aboriginals were the dominant presence.

Country Highlights

The view at Kakadu

Longreach Rodeo

Swimming in amazing water places

FOLLOW this link to a Class 9 - 3wk Mechanics Course

Does a Distributed Learning Environment
have to include ONLINE
or do we have
an OFFLINE definition ?



WORLD of WARCRAFT - A a massively multiplayer online game, World of Warcraft enables thousands of players to come together online and battle against each other. Players from across the globe leave the real world behind and undertake new quests and heroic exploits in a land of fantastic adventure. Find out more about "WoW"

SIMS 2 - 'The Next Generation People Simulator' THEY'RE BORN. THEY DIE.
What happens in beween is up to you. Take your Sims from cradle to grave through life's greatest moments. view what else Sims creater"aspyr" designs for children.

DIGITAL SONGLINES - is a 3d simulation that engages the player in exploring the Australian Aboriginal landscape in quests for knowledge, food, weapons and items of cultural significance.
go to "digitalsonglines" website to find out more.

What motivates programmers creating online and computer game material for children?

What sort of 'culture' are we creating for future generations?

Will there only be a virtual reality to dialogue with, or will we be able to walk in a rainforest, swim in the sea, and visit real people for a cup of tea?