Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Within Touch - the internal response to a contact with the outside world
Within Life - this sense is the internal feeling of well-being, of being alive
Within Movement - being inwardly aware of the way body parts move in relationship to each other
Within Balance - this sense orients us to the world with respect to up, down, right, and left
Outside Smell - the sense that allows one to come in contact with the outside world via odors carried by the air
Outside Taste - a deeper connection with the outside world in which flavors are directly sampled
Outside Sight - the sense that takes in the exterior images of the outside world
Outside Warmth - with this sense we are aware directly of the warmth of another body
Outside Hearing - this sense can tell us more about the inner structure of an object than sight. When an object resonates, we learn about its deep structure from the sound we hear.
Outside Speech - the sense of speech or word or tone - which is the hearing that involves meaningful words
Outside Thought - this refers to the deeper sense of entering the being speaking through their words
Outside Ego - this is the sense of ego or I which enables us to turn our thinking towards the being of another and to behold their I, their unique individuality directly



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